International Shipment

General Transportation
As a registered common carrier and established transportation services provider, Zielen Logistics offers standardized and customer-specific general transport and freight solutions across the country.
With a comprehensive fleet of vehicles that undergo tests after every movement and a well-informed team of despatch coordinators, Zielen Logistics is positioned as one of the most secure and reliable service providers and reliable general transportation services in the Indian market.
With more than two decades of experience in logistics, besides handling consignments upto 50 Tons, Zielen Logistic’s capabilities extend to astute assessments of unique challenges and threats. Our strong professional team is available 24×7 to manage the logistics needs of our customers and we have a well-established network with multiple dedicated control centers spread throughout India.
Our logistics transport solutions cater to a wide range of industrial sectors to plan their freight management and store their products, from the point of origin to the end of consumption.

Time Tracking
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Easy Payment
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100% Safe delivery
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